267: The request [pt1]

"Finally, we managed to find the opening that will lead us to the center of the core."

Aurora looked at the rocky door that was guarding the secret of this floor behind it. It had been a difficult thing to find since the tower was trying to hide its existence.

But a determined Aurora was something even the tower was not prepared for. She managed to not only find this place but also avoid other traps on the way here.

Ava on the other hand was not that lucky. She had fallen into a pit full of questionable liquid before they had reached the first checkpoint and had paid for her mistake deeply. Her skin was flushed and her cheeks were shining with arousal.

But despite all that, Ava had decided not to stop on the way here and prioritized getting to this door.

"You can still turn back right now. I can go in alone and handle things from here."