280: The resistance is forming [pt2]

"Uhm, calm down everyone. We should not overwhelm our guests by coming up to crown them. Now, give them some space."

The elder man who seemed to be the leader of the resistance said. He seemed worried that his newly acquired fish will leave his net and go on their merry ways. He did not want to lose these few people who had come out.

"L-Leader, you were here as well? When did you arrive?"

"I was already here. But that is not what's important. We should brief them on our plan of attack. We will be starting in a week."

The old man assured as he opened up his map. A week was not a lot of time and there seemed to be hundreds of things they needed to prepare.

Rita was hesitant to give them even her time of the day but there seemed to be no other choice available to her.

"Sean, take these new guests to where we sent our secret weapon. I am sure the administrator will not see our attack coming."