284: The end of the abyss starts now [pt1]

One day, out of the blue, the abyss decided to behave weirdly. It had been alright when the day started with everything still in place.

But halfway through the day, the more sensitive adventurers began to feel it. Something was different about the abyss today. The energy inside was not the same as it once had been.

It had caused a minor uproar but no one had paid attention to it. Something always happened in the abyss. As such, they could not keep paying attention to every little detail about what happened.

So naturally, no one paid much attention to it the first time.

But once the shaking started and people began to find the ground beneath their feet being pulled off, they knew something was wrong with the abyss. It was being done in a hostile way it had never been done before.

The abyss had always been a neutral space that treated everyone as equal. But now it was behaving in a way that was killing most of its occupants.

