Leaving the Normandy, Shepard and his team was halted by a Noveria security team. "Stop right there, Commander Shepard. We've been instructed to ensure that no unwelcome disturbances occur during your visit here," the head of the security detailed sternly, eyeing Shepard and his team as they approached.
Shepard raised his hands in a non-threatening gesture. "We're not here to cause trouble. We're here on official business involving problems that go well over your head," he explained directly. They didn't have time to waste on small matters such as this.
The security chief seemed unfazed by his response. "Every visitor always claims their intentions to be noble and what not. But I don't care about none of that, you'll need to verify your identities and submit your weapons for temporary holding. It's standard protocol here on Noveria now." Stated the security chief as he eyed the Spartans standing behind Shepard. "Secure their weapons." He ordered as the three officers behind him stepped forward to try and secure the team's weapons.
Shepard readied his own weapon in retaliation followed by the Spartans who stepped forward in front of Shepard. Their towering figures had caused the officers to take a step back. They were not willing to face the Spartans as they knew what they were capable of and how dangerous they were.
That's when a man had come running up to them from within the facility, "Security Chief, stand down immediately! their allowed to carry their weapons in here." The man wearing a formal business suit, slightly out of breath from his rush to intercept the unfolding confrontation.
The security chief, although reluctant, signaled his team to stand down. "Who gave them that authorization?" retorted the Security Chief.
"Nobody, but we can't afford a direct confrontation with the Ascendency, so the Board allows them to conduct their investigations and business without causing any problems." replied the man.
The security chief didn't like this one bit. He had never seen the Spartans in action so the only intimidating thing he saw about them was their height and the bulk of their armor. Despite his reservations, he backed off, allowing Shepard and his team to pass.
Shepard nodded in appreciation to the man in the business suit, who introduced himself as Gerard Folwer, a liaison for Noveria Development Corporation's external affairs. "Thank you for handling that, Mr. Folwer," Shepard said as they walked together towards the main complex.
Gerard nodded, "The last thing we need is a diplomatic incident, especially with the Ascendency," he explained.
Shepard nodded understanding their concern, next he changed to conversation to focus on why he came here. "Also, have you seen a Matriarch Benezia who has come through here recently."
Hearing the name, Gerard looked around to see if people were looking before, he pulled Shepard to the side, "Yes, has she done something wrong." he asked as he was used to Ascendency investigators coming to Noveria to investigate rumors of inhumane experiments that may or may not have been going on.
Now they were here with Spartans of all things which meant that the Matriarch is maybe involve in some shady business.
"I can't disclose the details but yes she is wanted for questioning, and I am here to bring her in." explained Shepard.
Gerard nodded gravely, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Matriarch Benezia arrived here a few days ago. She accessed some of our restricted research labs on the pretext of scientific consultancy. I can show you her last known location." he stated, leading Shepard and his team through the corridors of the facility.
"Won't you get trialed or fired for this" asked Captain Augustus curious as to why Gerard was helping them.
"Ah, don't worry about it, I was already looking for a new job anyway, I'm tired of working for these executives anyway," said Gerard. Augustus didn't pry any further and left it at that.
Just as he said, Gerard showed them the location to where Matriarch Benezia was last seen. It was a research facility located in the Skadi mountains. Shepard took a shuttle to the facility and prepared for whatever confrontation lay ahead. The Skadi Mountains were known for their harsh conditions and unpredictable weather, making any operation in the area riskier than usual. The research facility itself was a sprawling complex built into the mountain itself, heavily fortified and with limited access routes.
They came up with a plan and then executed it to hurry up and capture the Matriarch before she can escape. Upon breaching the facility, they didn't encounter any guards but came under attack by some medium sized creatures that they couldn't identify.
The creatures, were agile and ferocious, lunging at Shepard and his team with unnatural speed. They appeared to be some sort of experimental bioengineered project, possibly one of the secret projects that Noveria was infamous for. Shepard and his team quickly dealt with them and proceeded further into the facility.
The deeper they went into the lab, the more they encountered signs of advanced research, equipment that was beyond typical Corporation technology, and disturbingly, hints of Reaper technology integration.
Finally, they reached a large chamber where they found Matriarch Benezia surrounded by several Asari commandos loyal to her cause. The room was filled with strange devices emitting low hums and pulses as well as a massive container of sorts holding a much larger creature than the ones they saw before. Benezia turned to face them as they entered, her expression somber.
"Commander Shepard," she began, her voice steady but carrying a hint of regret. "I assume you are here not just for me but for what I represent in these times of chaos."
Shepard remained composed, "Matriarch, you know why I'm here. You've been involved in activities that threaten the stability of the galaxy," he stated.
Benezia sighed, a look of resignation crossing her features. "I understand your position, Commander. But believe me when I say that my actions, though they may seem drastic, are directed towards a greater good unknown to most."
"Involving Reaper technology? That's where you draw the line, Matriarch. You're under the influence of the Reapers and you don't even know it." Shepard countered.
Liara who finally saw her mother after she left her to be put under the influence of the Reapers couldn't hold back her emotions any longer. Tears building up in her eyes as she stepped forward. "Mother, please," she pleaded, her voice breaking, "you don't have to go down this path.
Benezia looked at her daughter with a mixture of sorrow and fondness, the lines on her face deepening. "Liara, my dear, I wish it were so simple. The choices I've made, the paths I've taken, are for a greater good, something you can't understand" She stated as she attempted to freeze the team using her biotics as Asari Commandos mixed with Geth units stormed the room.
It worked on Shepard and Liara, but the Spartans armor was equipped with technology to counter biotics, so they remained unaffected and had begun to open fire on the Asari Commandos and the Geth.
Captain Augustus charged after Benezia to subdue her, while Captain Rose and Commander Rodriguez focused on the Geth and Asari commandos. Being pressured by Augustus caused the biotics to wear off freeing Shepard and Liara who joined the fight.
Shepard maneuvered deftly, taking down several Geth with precise shots while Liara used her own biotic powers to disrupt the enemy lines.
Amidst the cover fire and biotic explosions, Augustus closed in on Matriarch Benezia. The Matriarch, anticipating this, shifted her focus, grabbing a nearby object and throwing it at Augustus which sent him flying back against a wall. But the Spartan's armor absorbed much of the impact, allowing him to regain his footing quickly.
As Augustus advanced again, Benezia realized she was running out of options. She didn't have time to think of anything before Augustus had delivered a right hook to her head sending her falling to the ground unconscious.
Seeing this Rose, looked at Augustus and shook her head, "You know you could have just tackled her, right?" Her tone was half-amused, half-exasperated.
Augustus just grinned beneath his helmet, a muffled response coming through. "Where's the fun in that?"
With Benezia now incapacitated, they moved to secure the container. But what they found out about the creature was something that they had no authority over.
It was a Rachni Queen, the first of which that has been seen in centuries. Learning about this, they reported this alongside their other findings to their superiors at Atlas Station.