under a tree, Klein sat down with another young handsome man, his dark hair was neatly combed backwards, his hazel eyes were captivating, both look more like a couple.

" when do you plan on going back to your people?" Klein asked.

" I don't really know, I was thinking of going with you to introduce you to them " Michael said.

" but what if your parents doesn't like me, the same way mine doesn't like you?" Klein asked .

Michael bit on his lower lips, an action which made Klein fall for him even more.

" then they give me no choice but to carry on with the plan on my mind" Michael answered.

" and what could that be" she asked.

" run away with you " Michael said, Klein could have laughed at his statement had she not know the kind of a person Michael is.

" that won't be right" she commented.

Michael signed.

" I know"

Klein reached out and pinched him on the cheek.

" ouch! what was that for?" he asked faking been hurt.

" you look cute when you're sad" Klein answered.

" oh!! so you think that's cute huh?, well let me show you what cuteness looks like" Michael stood up and launch at Klein, he began to tickle her.

" that's not cuteness" Klein protested but Michael wasn't buying it, Klein was finally able to push him away from her, she broke into a run, with Michael chasing after her.


" I don't think this is right Philip, the king should have told you his condition" Mrs Angela lamented to her husband.

" you should have known what kind of a man king William Testimony is by now " Mr Philip told his wife.

" so he wants our daughter to marry his arrogant ruthless son ? never " she objected her the king's decision.

" listen here woman, we don't have a choice in this, Don't forget that the said girl is not our true daughter " Mr Philip said out loud.

" I don't care " Mr Angela said, she placed her hands on her hip.

" she's my daughter, I trained her for good twenty two years, she's mine" she added.

Mt Philip was already getting frustrated by her attitude.

" okay what will happen to Michael, her lover, you and I know how much that boy loves our daughter, we even tried to give him a tough time but the young man is still insisting on marry her "

Mr Philip inhaled.

" that young man is not suitable for our daughter, he's identity we do not know , so how can we allow someone like that to marry our daughter ?, beside the king saved her "

" so ? is that why he should force two people who doesn't love each other to marry ?"

" do not forget you're speaking about the king of Haven kingdom "

" then he should act more like a king and not a killer "

" I will personally prepare Klein for her marriage to the prince if you won't " Mr Philip said , just then the door open and Klein walked in.

" which prince ? which marriage ?" she asked, Mrs Angela gave her husband the ' well answer ' look.

" prince Jayson William of Haven kingdom " Mr Philip told her, Klein glanced at her mother and father twice, before she finally focus her attention on her father .

" is this a joke ?" she asked.

her mother ignored her question, she stood still with her hand on her hip while giving Mr Philip a deadly stare.

" am sorry dear but it's not " Mr Philip told her,she was finding it very difficult to believe.

" but am in love with Michael and I want to marry him " she stated.

" that exactly what I told him " Mrs Angela added.

" we're talking about the king of Haven kingdom, you wouldn't dare defy him " Mr Philip said.

he felt bad forcing his daughter to marry someone she doesn't want to, he knew that she's madly in love with this Micheal of a guy, the young man is cool, he's okay for her, left for him, he will approve their marriage but then...who is he to go against the king of Haven kingdom.

" mother please say something , I don't want to marry this prince, am in love with Michael and i want to marry him " she pleaded, going close to her mother, she hugged her mother really tight as Mrs Angela Pat her back, Mrs Angela glanced at Mr Philip giving the. ' see what you caused ' look.

" it's okay my dear, we will find a way " she said trying to comfort her.

" Klein prepare for your marriage with prince Jayson William of Haven kingdom" Mr Philip said, she turned to leave.

" you will be getting married tomorrow "

both mother and daughter was speechless.

" didn't she just find out? can you give her time to think about it ?" Mrs Angela asked.

" not my decision " Mr Philip answered he began to walk away.

" I don't want to ...." Klein screamed at him while shaking her head.