Chapter 16 Dire Wolves

Aldred kept on defeating floor after floor until he reached the tenth floor. Instead of stairs, he saw a large pair of wooden gates. The torch on the walls flickered, creating shadows on the wooden surface.

He knew what was behind that gates. It had to be a boss. The question now was, should he fight it? He already had fourteen ogres under his belt. But what if it wasn't enough? Could he even die in this dungeon? After all, he owned this thing.

"System If I die here? Will I die in real life?"

The system didn't answer. Aldred was annoyed. When it was about the less important question, the system always answered, but now it didn't. What a bastard.

He sighed. For now, he should leave the dungeon while thinking of a way to increase his strength before fighting the boss. Aldred left the divine dimension. The wooden ceiling was back, along with the wooden texture of the floor. The carriage was still on the move. Stars and moons light up the sky.

Suddenly, the carriage stopped.

"Dire Wolves!" Mary said.

Wolves? Aldred slightly opened the door. Peeking through the gap, he saw a large horde of vicious wolves with silky fur. They bared their vicious teeth with saliva dripped off their mouth.

The carriage shook as Mary leaped off. She landed on the ground before pulling brandishing her sword. The wolves growled. They circled around her while still baring their teeth.

Mary was ready for an attack in any direction. A wolf behind her sprinted towards her. It pushed the ground, leaping while opening its jaw wide.

Mary narrowed her eyes. Tightening her grip on the sword, she spun and slammed the wolf away. The wolf got thrown onto the ground. It rolled a few times before standing up with blood all over its face.

The wolf shook its head and joined the pack once again. There were at least twenty wolves around her. With that number, they could attack one by one, eventually overwhelming her. Aldred couldn't let that happen. He had to help her. Although she was strict, annoying, and bossy, she did train him to become stronger.

Aldred opened the door.

"Boy! Stay there or you will die!" Mary shouted. She didn't know what was inside the emperor's mind when he send a little boy to the front line. No one could question his order, but at that time, his reputation must have suffered among the soldiers. Someone at his age was supposed to be trained. Only when at the age of fifteen would he be eligible for fighting a true battle.

In the Ceraisian Empire, it was normal for fifteen years old boys to be involved in a battle. But there had never been a case where a ten-year-old directly went to battle. At most, they would go on a spar with their peers or be told to kill prisoners. That was the training to harden their will and let them get used to seeing corpses and blood.

"I can help!" Aldred shouted.

Mary slammed another wolf with her sword. "I'll these wolves eat your ass if you don't get inside the carriage right now!"

She turned around. The wolves started to approach the boy. If she let that happen, they would tear him apart. That must not be allowed. He was still a young boy, he had a bright future ahead of him.

Mary couldn't believe herself. Since when did she start to care about the boy. 'He better thank me later.'

Just as she was about to come to his rescue, Aldred raised both of his hands and said; "Rise."

Suddenly, a mist of darkness rise from the ground. It wiggled around the boy. Slowly, something came out of the mist. It was a creature with a tall and large body They gripped their club and roared at the wolves.

Mary watched with widened eyes. "Ogre? Is the boy a summoner? No, looking at the ogre, none of them are alive. Is he… a necromancer?"

Necromancers weren't rare, but they weren't abundant either. People were scared of necromancers. Their ability to turn the dead into their slaves was very heart-wrenching to a lot of people. The military didn't see them in a bad light, so the boy wouldn't have any trouble when he become a soldier. But she still couldn't believe the boy was a necromancer.

The wolves charged at the undead, biting their legs and thigh. The undead ogres didn't react. They slammed the wolves away, throwing them to the ground before the ogre stomped on their heads.

As the ogres distracted the wolves, Aldred used his fingers to support them. "Pew pew pew."

"He's also a flame mage?" Mary asked herself. There were mages that learn a lot of spells type, but they rarely became good. Only mages that focused on one thing could usually attain a higher rank such as gold or platinum. There was a talented mage that reached Adamantite rank while mastering a lot of spells, yet in history, only one of them ever exist.

Orbs of flame barraged the wolves, distracting them. With flames covering their face, the ogres' attacks were unseen. With a powerful swing, the wolves were killed fairly quickly.

[EXP +90]

[EXP +90]

[EXP +90]

[EXP +90]

"Pew." Aldred fired one last fireball at a wolf. He blew the smoke that came out of his fingers. "Hasta la vista, baby."

A large wolf appeared in the distance. Along with it, another horde of wolves stood behind it. The large wolf growled. With anger, it barked, telling the other wolves to attack.

"Aldred. You take care of the small wolves. I will kill that large one."

"Sure do."

Mary leaped supernaturally and arrived in front of the big wolf. The wolf stared at her, angry that a lot of its subordinates were killed. It directed its gaze at the boy. The boy was the one who killed its subordinates!

It jumped to the side, about to rush to the boy until Mary blocked its way.

"Pick on someone your own size."