That is as far as you go.

The termite: a group of girls who united themselves because they wanted to resist bullies. You know they say a single broomstick could easily break, but when several brooms joined together, they become stronger. However, even if this group aimed to avoid bullies or perhaps fight bullies together, they had somehow fallen off from their single goal of standing against bullies to penetrating people's souls with the dagger of fear. Earlier, when I started school, I heard about this group but now, getting closer to the second semester, they have started showing their true face. Humans would usually lie to suit their space of freedom, but when they become sure of their autonomy, they become arrogant.

In truth, I understood this much because I had lived a life of darkness as well. However, I never needed protection because I was the attacker. The attacker, for one thing, had already built their momentum to the point where they hardly play defense. In any case, I enjoyed the feeling of attacking, and because of that, it took me a while to notice that weak people would stick together like a broom. It was just like in my junior high school when Ge Ming, En Lai, and Guan Lee had to stick together to overcome the troubles I gave to them. That connection had to be valid, at least. Nevertheless, they never overcame the difficulty I freely gave them.

"Did you think today will not come?" one of the girls shouted angrily; her word was cold and bale.

"What do you want, Zhan Chyou?"

Apparently, the girl that spoke was Lan Mei, one of Toa Fen's adjutants. However, her usual strong-sharp voice was shaking and faint. Even without really seeing her, I knew she was terrified of something. She didn't seem to have her protective backing; she had become a scary rabbit suddenly.

Zhan Chyou, on the other hand, had to be the leader of the termite group. From afar, you might even call her a university athlete. She had a slightly burly physique. Beside her stood two other class C students. I know them to be Zixing Ting and Hu Shu. Although, they are a little worse than Zhan Chyou. Nevertheless, they were also incredibly spiteful and full of violence.

"In the midweek of the first semester, were you not haughty and sharp? You blatantly provoked us only to feel good, yes? Now, you are asking me what I want?"

Zhan Chyou vibrated with anger. She raised her hand, and the two Hu Shu made their debut as they beat the trembling Lan Mei. As they laughed with satisfaction, I walked toward them and captured them three times with my phone's camera.

"That's enough. If you move your hands again, I am sorry, only expulsion awaits you."

They came to an abrupt halt as they heard my emotionless voice. Without moving a finger, the girls trembled with fear. They knew more than anything: bullying was not allowed. Wasn't that why they had formed their group in the first place. So if the school got direct evidence they were involved in this kind of act, then the school would expel all its members. So they left without hesitation.

I squatted down to meet Lan Mei's height as she sat hopelessly against the wall. Even now, her eyes were shaking with fright. I have to wonder: is this the courageous subordinate of Toa Fen? Why was she scared like a rabbit?

"How are you?" I grinned

She instantly averted her gaze and stared down like I had discovered her opposite side of the coin. But what do I care about that? Now that I had enough to constrain her, she would be a vessel in my hand. I understood that I should tacitly keep quiet about what happened, but it didn't mean I was about to give her leeway. I stretched my hands. She hesitated before she reached out to it and stood. Her eyes and expression betrayed the fear in her deepest recess. It made one wonder what had transpired in her life to terrify her that much.

When she turned her face on me, she realized that my expression had not betrayed my thought and emotion: I was totally expressionless. She was shocked for a moment before she calmed herself. Anyway, I didn't mind her actions.

"Are you fine?" I asked again.

"I'm okay." As she realized it would be the worst scenario to ignore me. So she answered helplessly.

"You don't have to be afraid of me. I don't eat people. Also…" As I spoke, I tried to make my word sound heavy and significant, much to her confusion.

"Also, what?" Lan Mei frowned, but she didn't dare to be arrogant as she used. She anticipated the terror I would unleash. However, I only disappointed her.

"I won't tell a soul about this event, not even your leader. I would also make sure to shut those girls' mouths."

Lan Mei knew that my help came under the veneer of threat. She couldn't help but curse her tenth generation for being so unlucky. At this moment, she only wanted to know my condition for helping her.

We spoke very little, but I detailed all that was to know. We exchange contact. In fact, Lan Mei knew it was a forced situation, but there was nothing she could do.


Inside my room, I sat on my bed, churning my thought. I knew that many eyes had begun to turn towards me. I need some shield to block unnecessary stuff.

I Sighed!

"I need to deal with these third-year ghosts as soon as possible. I can't possibly have them disturbing my life. Also, I can't conceivably ask that small witch for help—else she might feel she had an increasing value to me and that I will serve her. Of course, she is wasting her time." I muttered.

I took out my phone and sent a message to Yue Si. After a short while, I got a reply. I read through them and smile coldly. 'This thing will be interesting.'

I walked to my table and booted my computer. I entered information and used Yue Si clearance to execute the pass. One of the information she had sent me was the characteristics and temperament of the upper echelon—people closest to Ling Gen. The other information she sent was her detailed clearance information. It would enable me to use it to access more information. First, she had a position; second, the school status verified her as a good person, contrary to me, and lastly, she was two levels higher than me. Clearly, the amount of information she would be able to access would be astronomical. It was not like I've not researched these third years before. However, their data was too shallow because of my bad reputation—the school gave me very few details. Of course, it was not like the computer could record the whole of their traits and behaviors. So to me, they were still incomplete. Until I personally investigate and observe them, I wouldn't easily conclude anything.

Soon the page loaded, and I used her clearance. I searched for the third-year student's information. With that, I got a lot of superficial information regarding them. Although they weren't enough to place accurate judgment, it was just fine for the moment. Time would bring more opportunities to understand them. I quickly moved over to the third year that held positions. Their profile and name shortly popped on the screen. Names like Chang Chuteng and Shao Taiyang. I've seen most of them before.

With that result, I began to study them at a glance. The third-year ghosts had various information on their profile—their merits and demerit. Also, the school detailed each of the student's fundamental characteristics. Most of them had strong leadership abilities—they had influence and knew how to control situations. Others didn't particularly have these charismatic behaviors but had their own merits. Most of them were astute but aloof and irresponsible. Others were good at sports and not bookish. However, what caught my eyes was Yao Yun. This person had burly features and big eyes. From his information, I could deduce that he was simple. In fact, he was a simpleton.

"I could use this person, but how?" I wore a pensive expression.

At this moment, much data began to churn in my mind. Many causes and effects—processes and results. My mind immediately became a chessboard with many chess pieces. 'How to use them!' After a while, I sighed. It was true that Yao Yun was the right person but how to bind him was the real thing. However, I have gotten an almost conclusive chart of what next to do. No matter how difficult, it only needed a bit of a trick. It was already good that I'd begun to extend my connection.

I let out a soft breath!

"Regardless, the best cause and effect or the process and result still revolves around that witch, Li Min," I mumbled.