Retracing the events

I had long understood it takes a lot of mental strength to act. That's to say: acting is more arduous than the toughest maths. When people impersonate, amateurs might find it impossible to understand their behavior. Still, some are deductive enough to see the change in behavior from the former to the current. These little things might affect anyone but not me. Still, why do people pretend? They kept living peacefully in a life full of lies. I couldn't understand it or even accept them.

Taking my coffee, I drowned myself in thought. The school couldn't have laid its hands on perfect acting candidates, did they? Seriously, everyone gives off a certain amount of flaws when they act. Whether it would be visible or not was another story. So the only explanation I could come up with is that the school must have imprinted a programmed chip on the victims and assailants. Otherwise, how could they explain the stamp on their body? In fact, it wouldn't have been as simple as identification, right?

Suzhou senior high school was one of the best schools in thunder nation; the people controlling this nation must have given them this command chip. In fact, if my assumption was correct, these ghost government could also send their member to this school as a form of some missions or as a punishment. Only this could explain why Li Min and the others stayed here. What could they be planning?

Because of this programmed chip, I felt things became interesting. So, in other words: someone must meet the conditions to incite specific actions and reactions. It was just like how I triggered Xiaobo Bolin. But, of course, it wasn't easy to come up with such a solution in a short amount of time. Most people would have acted directly. Or beat around the bush. But I tried a unique approach.

On the third day of the first exam, by 7:00 pm, as agreed upon to meet up with Xiaobo Bolin, I sent him the address on the Tennis ground. The school fenced the tennis ground with nets and opposite the court gallantly stood a shade-stand where people could sit and watch the game. The place was in the sports complex arena; that's to say, it was not only the tennis court that was there—there were other courts for different outdoor games.

When I came, Xiaobo Bolin was already seated; he was slightly worried. "Yo! Senior Xiaobo Bolin." I called out with a decisive smile with my hands in my pocket.

"Why did you seek for me," he stuttered slightly.

"You don't have to be overly worried. I am neither a killer nor a destroyer, you know?"

"Even though you say that you are not, you still look like someone who would not hesitate to use others."

'Chess, huh?' I sighed. Do I really look like that? Or was his fear clouding his judgment. Nevertheless, I couldn't be bothered with these things now.

"Certainly, you are right. However, I have my way of doing things." I waved my hands indifferently. There was no use arguing or denying it. We all have to survive, and I've been in the gray zone for a while, so I knew just what it meant to survive amidst hopelessness.

Xiaobo Bolin, who had previously been rolling with his goons, appeared to be on the verge of breaking down. He humbly bowed down his face—he was a lost child.

"Let's cut to the chase, shall we?" I asked. "I have investigated you thoroughly. So I know about Liu Gang and Liu Suyin." Just as I said this, Xiaobo Bolin's eyes trembled. It was as if I incited a condition that allowed him to respond appropriately. Perhaps this condition was to know him more than anyone. Of course, this might not be the only access to getting him to talk. However, others would have proved an incredibly impossible task. First, shattering his pride by unveiling his secret was a way of immersing him in the river of fear. Everyone was vulnerable, after all.

"You know, Liu Gang searched the whole Thunder nation for your clue? How did you successfully evade him?" I wielded more pressure than he could have imagined. His hand began to shake, and visible lines of sweat generously appeared on his face. The pressure had already soaked his back with sweat. Even though he grabbed his left hand with his right one, it wouldn't stop shaking.

"You almost killed her, didn't you?" I asked lightly. I was behaving so harmlessly that Xiaobo Bolin became incredibly terrified. He had an idea of how these kinds of things usually end. People who behaved harmlessly were the most ruthless. Anyway, it was a psychological hint and pressure. I had, after all, mastered many of these arts to perfection. And in fact, playing with his emotions was like playing on my turf.

Xiaobo Bolin shook his head violently, dismissing my claim. "should I call Liu Gang to confirm? You make me wonder: was the hatred for her so intense? Or did you unleash your anger on her because you wanted to pay back Liu Gang? Now you came to this school because you know there was no way Liu Gang could have passed the entrance to this school, right?" Xiaobo Bolin stared at me both in awe and fear. He must have been wondering how I could be so well informed. In any case, it did not matter. I was, after all, meant to peel off his skin slowly.

At this moment, I sliced him again. "However, do you know there are people who could recommend Liu Gang to this school? Yes, someone with indispensable authority, right?" My voice came as cold as winter. And at this moment, Xiaobo Bolin shook in fear; his condition gave me the extra time to see through the mark on his chest. His clothing was considerably loose, so it fluttered heavily, giving me enough opportunity to see the imprint on his body. After all, my eyes had become sharper than ordinary eyes. At the same time, his eyes trembled; his whole hands were convulsing.

"Stop! I beg you," he shouted with despair. "What do you want?" he questioned.

"Tell me if you are the bullied victim in this picture and who bullied you. If you can solve the confusion of why he bullied you, that will be great too." I whispered indifferently.

"Well, I am the victim, and Feng Shanyuan from Class A third year is the bully." He unwillingly said as he showed me his mark. "However, I cannot particularly remember any reason why we came to that pool. Or why he bullied me. I only know that it is in my head and that Feng Shanyuan bullied me. However, no matter what anyone asks me, I would only deny them." He said helplessly. I suppose I had verified my hypothesis.

So the school inserted a brutal command through a chip in them; it must be through this mark. Then I must have pushed him to a considerable height of emotion before I met the condition for him to speak up. Now, I know this emotion must be either happiness or despair: Like how I tested the theory with Weisheng Biyu using Toa Fen. I had prepared several cues that would lead the conversation. However, for exceptionally boring people like her, you would meet certain conditions before they can open up to you. And for her case, it was the game I had set up. 'Then why did the school make that insidious announcement: that they would score the bully and victim according to their previous scores if they were our class members. Was it a bluff to mislead us? If that was the case, these people couldn't have committed real crimes, and no one would expel them. The school really knows how to feign ignorance and mislead people.' I pondered.

After gathering my information, I left to analyze them, and on the fourth day, I came to pay Feng Shanyuan, my subject, a visit. After inciting him enough and making him lay off his guards, he finally opened up to me too. I confirmed another hypothesis again. I made sure that he showed me the mark, which he did readily. That's because I painstakingly promised him that I would connect him with Li Min.

At the same time, I had analyzed the message of Xiu Ying on the subject matter of Fu Wei's rumor, but I have yet to come up with a gratifying strategy. Meanwhile, analyzing Li Min and Weisheng Zhi—was a complete mess. The guy literally stammered until he was almost out of air.

In fact, the only remaining puzzle was how I got the three candidates; they differed from the ones everyone suspected previously. I also know: that was the most suspecting thing that Li Min wanted to hear the most. I moreover believed that if others knew of it, they were bound to ask questions. In any case, it was simple. I created a unique ID synchronizing software. I secretly linked it to elementary, junior, and senior high schools. I used specific commands to scan the silhouettes on the picture, then correlated them to the schools. I got the three images. Xiaobo Bolin, Wesheng Biyu and Feng Shanyuan. So, I developed further research and unveiled their hidden habits and previous problems. Of course, this case would have been a difficult hurdle for others, but I merely integrated commands to screen out irrelevant things. In fact, I've been fiddling with technology for a while, and I kept getting better the more fascinated I became. After all, I was test running this particular software the day that wench, Li Min, came to disturb me. And that was on the first day of the exam.