
Some students rose and mentioned the suited candidates; Jian Hé wrote the names on the whiteboard before him. However, I don't know how my name got into that list.

The first name was Li Min, the second was Fu Wei, and the third was Xiu Ying. The list continued till the last name, which happened to be my name: Guang Fang. I knew no one had mentioned my name—so Jian Hé might have done that deliberately.

"Why is that delinquent's name on the list?"

"That list is wrong for having his name."

"Well, we will just vote him out."

"He's of no use being there. In short, we have no use for him in this class."

The class raised the smoke of gossip: the hatred was terrible. And when it comes to the story that concerned me, Jian Hé would secretly permit them without saying anything. So they rode on the cocktail.

"Indicate by raising your hand to vote for the trustworthy player."

"Those that will vote for…."