WebNovelBlade IV71.43%

(1 Down 4 More To Go Part 3)

Ralph said, "Alright, Rai, I know you're growing impatient and you already know how to heal so I'm gonna teach you how to heal dead people. The same goes for you, Raymond."

"Okay," said Rai.

Geo helped Raymond up.

"What do I need to do?" said Rai.

"You need to..."

Before Ralph could finish his sentence, the EcsTras alarm went off.

"Neon turn on the…" said Makai.

"I-I-I'm sorry I-I-I-I forgot" Said Makai as he started crying.

Rai was about to walk over to Makai but Geo put his hand in front of him.

Both Geo and Rai looked at each other and Geo scratched the back of his head and blushed.

"I-I-I got this one." He said.

"Alright then." Said Rai with a straight face.

Geo walked over to Makai and patted him on the back.

"It's alright, Neon just died and we all are just getting used to his death." Said, Geo

Makai wiped his tears. And said "yea your-your right."

"Raymond turn on the tv and put the news." Said Makai.

Geo turned his head towards Rai and Rai put up a thumbs up.

"Alright, guys let's not waste any more time, there's a Zoomster on the loose." Said, Raymond.

Rai teleported Makai, Geo, and Raymond to Metro City hall.

Rai noticed 3 sharp metal spikes flying toward Raymond and he got flashbacks of Neon's death and hesitated.

"One of my friends died because of me and you're not gonna die because of me too.

"Said, Rai

as he flew in front of Raymond and blew all 3 of the metal spikes away with wind.

The supervillain used that to his advantage he threw a lightning bolt at Geo's leg to stop him from chasing him.

Geo's leg was still injured but luckily Geo covered his leg with dirt and stopped any serious injuries.

While Geo was gasping in pain and Rai was saving Raymond the villain grabbed Makai and sped away taking a really expensive painting in the process.

Rai chased after him and got so mad that the lighting of his speed turned red and he became really fast.

When Rai got in front of the supervillain aka Zone he blasted electricity at him.


Raymond was frozen in fear from the experience of him about to die, when he snapped back into his senses he ran over to Geo to heal his fractured leg.

Raymond could not heal Geo's leg because it was broken but he stopped the pain.

Raymond helped Geo up.

And said, "you alright?"

"Ya ill be fine." Said Geo

as a small sharp spike of metal flung their way, luckily Raymond built a force field around them.

When the small sharp spike of metal hit the force field Raymond's pointer finger was slit.

Raymond didn't fully master his powers so whatever damage happened to the force field happened to Raymond.

Out of nowhere another small metal spike flung their way and Raymond blocked it with his force field but he slit his pinky finger.

Then all of a sudden a guy appeared from behind a trophy stand

and said, "You must be Roots and Divinity I'm a huge fan."

Geo and Raymond looked at each other as the villain made a bunch of metal spikes

then said, "I'm Metallic."

And flung them all at Raymond's force field. When the small metal spikes hit Raymond's force field he started getting cuts everywhere.

Raymond was on the verge of fainting and his force field kept flickering in and out.

Then Metallic walked over to Raymond's force field and punched it and Raymond fainted but his force field didn't disappear.

"That's impossible!" Exclaimed Metallic with a British accent

Metallic started stabbing the force field with metal spikes and Raymond was bleeding out if he wasn't taken to a hospital within 10 min he would die.

Geo tried to stop the bleeding with his hand but he couldn't stop the bleeding.

So he tried rolling up his shirt into a ball and putting it on his stomach to stop the bleeding.

The wound was too severe so Geo couldn't stop the bleeding.

"5 minutes and 36.27 seconds left until he bleeds to death." Said Metallic


The electricity hit Zone so hard that he crashed into the MCND (Metro City News Department) building.

This moment reminded Rai of Neons' death and gave him flashbacks and that made him really angry.

Rai sped over to Zone and picked him up by his shirt and started speed punching him, as Makai just watched him get all his anger out on Zone.

Rai covered his whole fist with electricity and was about to punch Zone until Makai stopped him.

"Enough!!" Said Makai

Rai's electricity covered hand was about 10 inches away from Zones face.

Rai dropped Zone and he fell really hard but Rai just walked towards Makai and let the cops do the rest.

When Rai reached Makai he put his hand on Makai's shoulder and teleported to Metro City Hall.

When they reached Metro City Hall they saw Raymond bleeding out Geo trying to stop the bleeding and Metallic.

The first thing Rai did is go through Raymond's force field to heal him.

And Makai threw a hard ball of water at Metallic and Metallic fell hard on one of the trophy stands.

Then Makai flew on top of Metallic and started punching him over and over again.

While Rai was healing Raymond, Geo told him what happened and Geo had Rai smiling by the time he was done.

Geo noticed Makai punching up Metallic rapidly with his full strength.

Geo got up and started walking towards Makai with his hands in his pocket and stood behind Makai.

And said, "Makai that's enough."

Makai stopped punching Metallic and walked past Geo towards Rai and Raymond.

Then said, "you alright Raymond."

Raymond held his stomach and sat up

"I'm.." said Raymond

Rai interrupted "he's alright."

Raymond looked at Rai with a straight face and Rai looked back but with a smile.

The cops arrived and took Metallic and Zone to jail and the Team went back to Metro Labs.

Where Ralph continued his sentence about how to heal Neon before he was rudely interrupted.

"You need to collect these 3 rare artifacts." Said, Ralph