Chapter 8

The time swiftly transitioned from the darkest hour and was drifting into the wee hour of a new day. The transition seemed too quick, and was too busy with activities such that Jenny, the focus of the night, had hardly had a reaction to nature's calling and change in climate. On Philip's consent, Jenny led a battalion of cops and a tailing swarm of journalists to the White Castle. The White Castle, being one of Tega's properties and a stomping ground for his last son, Ajuri, was a lovely edifice to behold in the city. However, it soon became a centre of attention and publicity stunt on the night as it was besieged by the prying eyes of the media.

The media spotlight was on and the city was watching. Jenny was set to unveil the gory secrets and scandals that the Dohertys had haboured for a long time. As much as she could be stepping on the mines, she was equally on the verge of making history, to be a catalyst of change that would rock the Dohertys' dominance on the Walter Island.

Storming the White Castle in numbers, Jenny was guarded by the heavily armed cops as they ventured into Dohertys' property on Philip's order, and on the pretext of an emergency patrol. It was very delicate moment for Philip as his name was at stake in the scheme of event. Whatever the consequence of White Castle invasion was, he would bear the blame or credit. In a moment of curiosity, he signalled to Jenny again and engaged her in a chat.

"Are you sure about this, Jenny?" Philip asked impatiently, "I dont think this right. I'm recalling my boys to back out."

As Philip turned away and made to leave the scene to bark a counter-order at his boys, Jenny grabbed him by the arm to regain his attention. Her voice hardened and her eyes seemed to bulge at him.

''Just watch me, inspector. Don't be in a rush,'' Jenny assured, ensuring her voice reflect some steel. ''You have to trust me!

Jenny marched forward past the stewards in the castle. This moment, she could only enjoy the protection of the cops and attention of the media. She moved gracefully along and into the spacious castle. Memories popped up as she sighted the spots she had treaded to hide herself that very night George had murdered Laura. Along with the cops and paparazzi, she moved round the castle before ordering the cops' steps into the wood behind.

At this point, she felt as though she was reliving the moment George had brought Laura's body into the wood to bury it. The moment loomed large in her mind and remembered the details vividly. She couldn't wait to expose the dead body that lay hidden in the Dohertys' property. Heading into the wood, she instructed the cops--three of them--to grab a shovel and dig up the spot where Laura's body had been buried by George in the wake of Ajuri's dinner date on that red-lettered night.

The cops dug the spot gradually. While they were at it, the media focused their attention on the spot and Philip stood by watching in a mix of anxiety and doubt. However, it was not long before the atmosphere was pervaded with stench of decay. The stench was so unpleasant and breath-taking that the cops had to retreat halfway through the process of digging before returning to the spot more prepared to continue digging the soil. It was not long before the soil gradually revealed a part of Laura's corpse. At the sight of what seemed to be a human body, the cops dug the soil with more enthusiasm and caution, as much as the media panned their cameras on the spot. What seemed a body beneath the soil gradually took shape until the full decaying corpse of Laura was pulled out.

At this point, the stench was stronger than before and the air was pervaded with a foul smell of decay. It came as a shock to discover that the missing Laura was murdered and buried on the mayor's property. The media were glad to have this scoop as it would be the talk of town for some time. For a long time in the political hegemony of the Dohertys, the family had never been better caught up in this a mess than this. The discovery of Laura's corpse would certainly go a long way to rock the Dohertys.

Philip was riveted to a spot. He was as excited as he was perplexed. Laura Ataga had been declared missing for while after a report had been filed in by the Dohertys. In fact, Tega had championed the search for the missing Laura, to no avail. But here was Jenny who had been on the inside of Dohertys' cartel. She had the biggest secret to reveal, and Philip's offer to her to help investigate the Dohertys was just timely. It was one of his best decisions in his career years. He wouldn't regret having Jenny on his side now.

Philip, who had not been settled about the outcome of this invasion before, suddenly found full authority as he orders the cops to cordon off the spot where Laura's body had been discovered. Without much ado, he ushered in medical experts to perform a post mortem on the same spot. He also urged the journalists to focus on a legal reportage of truth without bias.

In this moment, the cops were surprisingly busier than before. But then, Philip found some time to extend his appreciation to Jenny. He walked up towards her and, in spite of her ragged looks, gave her a grateful hug. He couldn't deny her some gratitude for granting him the biggest scandal of the Dohertys. However, his gratitude wouldn't be without questions for Jenny. In this moment, he was curios about how the Dohertys had murdered Laura, yet they put up pretence that they were part of the search team.

Jenny wouldn't contradict her stance, however. Within her mind, she alone knew that George was responsible for Laura's death, even without Tega's knowledge. But then, there was no more George. The young man was dead now, and, for Jenny, George's gaffer must suffer this brunt for the many unreported murders he had requested George to execute.

Jenny, swarmed by the correspondents, suddenly became a national heroine and the the positive attention of the public. The single question she was barraged with in this moment was how she had come to know that the Dohertys were responsible for Laura's death.

Meanwhile, Philip wasted no time in ordering the immediate arrest of Tega and his household. Under the federal authority, Philip summoned the mayor for serious interrogations. He had waited all his career as a super cop for this moment. To have a legitimate face-off with Tega. To question his dominance and bring him to order. Finally, he had a piece of evidence to hold Tega by. He couldn't be more excited about this.

In this moment, the media which could have been the only hope of salvaging their image, were equally against the Dohertys. The media's common ground was that the Dohertys put up pretence about Laura's death while they had buried her in their property. A media narrative was set in this pattern and Dohertys' claim of integrity for many years running came under serious questions.

In the wake of the scandalous discovery and political malpractices, Tega and his household were found guilty of murder and abetment of murder. Their image was dragged through the mud for the first time as the whole world were outraged by their involvement in Laura's death and his political vendetta against Edmund. The commoners bayed for blood and called for Tega's head. They were incensed and furious about the Dohertys' leadership. It even became worse for Tega when the public came to realise that he had attempted to sabotage Edmund's Dinner get-together. Edmund was the people's choicest candidate. He had organised the get-together to feed as many as he could. It came as no surprise, however, that the people would turn their back again Tega in an instant. They loathed him even more.

In sequential order of events, Tega was disqualified from all political offices he could possibly stand a chance of holding in the future, and his position as well as competence as a mayor were seriously questioned by the Federal court. Without further ado, he was relieved of his mayoral duties on the ground of incompetence and poor statesmanship. His image was badly dented. The Dohertys lost respect and footing on all political fronts, as Tega was detained in the custody of the Federal force for being a threat to humanity and abuse of the political office he had sworn to run with utmost integrity.

Walter Island was free from political hegemony and shady business of the Dohertys' cartel for the first time in many years, thanks to Jenny and the competence of Philip Carter.