Chapter 460: The Governor's Diary

In the seventh year of Emperor Long'an's reign,

the first month had just passed.

Emperor Long'an gathered his ministers and declared that the dynasty's heavenly mandate had ended, and that since ancient times the imperial throne should be occupied by the worthy, thus he ought to abdicate in favor of the King of Chu.

The Officials, empathizing with his will, unanimously praised the decision.

After three offers and three refusals, Zhou Ping'an ascended the throne as emperor, changing the state's name to Zhou.

After his accession, he bestowed the title of Prince of Anle upon Emperor Long'an, and granted various rewards to the rest of the Daqing imperial clan, achieving a smooth transition almost without resorting to the sword.

All officials and bureaucrats praised His Majesty's benevolence and virtue.

The following year,