Chapter 118: Fishing

An unsavable city.

Literally describing it might lead to many misunderstandings and even biases. Some people only read briefings and blamed it on the untimely and insufficient rescue operations at the time.

But in fact, this is just the reality of being "unsavable."

Under what circumstances is it impossible to save? When the upper limit of disaster exceeds the upper limit of rescue, when the invaders can be infinitely strengthened in a sense, then it naturally becomes impossible to save.

If it can be attributed to human error at first, but after countless replays of the historical Secret Realm, the conclusion is clear.

"These are a society and a group..."

After walking through it all, Lu Ping'an was sure of the reality that it could not be saved.

The periphery is always just ordinary soldiers. At the key strategic points, Lu Ping'an saw order and a cruel but unusual society.