Chapter 366: Parasitic Tree

"Parasitic Tree, so this is the Parasitic Tree...."

The Parasitic Tree, actually exists in nature too, it refers to the phenomenon of one plant parasitizing on another.

The roots of parasitic plants are not inserted into the soil like other plants. Instead, they are inserted into another plant, drawing nutrients and water to survive.

The professionals' "Parasitic Tree", in some ways, seems similar to the natural one.

"...To plant a tree in one's body and establish a symbiotic relationship... How absurd...."

In nature, besides parasitism, there are also symbiotic relationships that resemble parasitism. It's hard to distinguish them in a certain sense.

But many people believe that if both sides benefit, it's "symbiosis". If one side devours the other clean, then it's parasitism.

A third-tier professional Parasitic Tree, transforms oneself into a host or a parasite, establishing a symbiotic relationship with a certain plant.