Chapter 711: Visitor

"Let the great migration begin."

"...It seems more like a mass escape to me."

"Cough, please don't be so blunt... I mean, be mindful of the public demeanor. Give other people a break."

Under the current circumstances, operating in a scattered manner is not ideal.

The Eastern Country people had their camps spread out far and wide, with independent hunting small and medium teams and campsites everywhere for the purpose of cultivation and pioneering.

Cast the net wide to facilitate large-scale profiteering.

When no one knows where the treasure mine is, the only way to possibly gain more is to dig around... Of course, the primary reason is that independent teams get to keep what they find, which motivates them to "scavenge" harder.

But in times of war, scattering the troops is basically a taboo. The enemy won't ignore you just because your numbers are small. On the contrary, taking out the weak and the few is a basic strategic common sense.