Chapter 721: Gold Content

If Lu Ping'an was not in a hurry, this thing wouldn't be so bad.

Double-speed reading time takes 1 point for 24 hours a day... four times that is 5 points per hour, and eight times is 500 points per hour.

When this thing (cheat) is set too high, it has no cost-effectiveness to speak of, a true luxury item.

If not in a hurry, writing slowly and selling slowly can still be a fortune.

"...Can other people directly buy what I write? Wouldn't that mass-produce professionals?"

"Hold on, let me check... well, you could say yes or no."

This kind of ability is not without restrictions either.

Buyers need to meet the "I can use" restrictions to purchase, and must use it within the library, unable to take it out.

Because these things are the library's "rule products" and "ritual components," once they are taken out, they will quickly become worthless like the Divine Bones and Vortex Stones that left the Green Planet.