Chapter 849: Slaying Sword

"Use the Flame Fist now," someone shouted.

Playing with an unfathomable joke to others, Lu Ping'an however swung his Beheading Sword, unleashing more threatening high-speed slashes.

Strength brought absolute speed, regenerative abilities offered the confidence to make mistakes on the battlefield, and boundless thermal energy provided the power, which also indirectly led to nearly limitless stamina.

At this moment, the thick-skinned and rough-muscled Lu Ping'an, wielding the Abyss Blade and innately equipped with brute strength and abyssal regeneration, was the very embodiment of a killing machine—more so than the Abyss Lord opposite him.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

As the Beheading Sword slashed rapidly at the snake head, Didirona felt a deep pain from within for the first time.

The sword, shimmering with a bloody glow, seemed satisfied with its rare sacrifice. In contrast, the severed snake head grew withered and decrepit.