Chapter 922: An Nan's Museum

Mr. An Nan's exhibition hall opened as scheduled, and with it, his wife's reputation for "fearing the inside."

After all, in these times, when he vaguely took control of the household, the management, and even named the "exhibition hall" after himself, it naturally aroused some criticisms... uh, he became more famous, in every sense of the word, after all, such "gossip" always grew wings.

As a consequence, his family's reputation spread far, and the "Maple Series" products produced by their factory sold even better.

Everyone loves a philanthropic sucker who is good at splashing out money, especially when his family truly owns industries.

Thus, he naturally received lots of friendly treatment and invitations from the local high society....

"Have you heard? The mayor's husband invited him to a dinner, and he donated a thousand Kadund straight away. A thousand!"