Chapter 967: Mass Production of Relics

[Sun Yi's Third Gold Coin (Lower Gold Rank Cursed Object), Quality: Inferior (52%)]

Lu Ping'an fiddled with the gold coin, which looked very beautiful from the outside.

The golden coin didn't have any essential difference from the previous ones, with Sun Yi's profile featuring a calm smile. The faint rainbow light that radiated around it was hard to say if it was "his" trait or simply a common feature of high-spec "gold coins."

Based on appearance alone, this gold coin indeed looked more upscale than the one from Dao Zhong.

However, the assessment from Life Bank wouldn't lie; its "quality" wasn't even up to standard.

"... It seems the way it was obtained is problematic. He didn't even know who I was, so perhaps it didn't meet the 'conquest' criteria..."

Dao Zhong died in frustration, but clearly, Sun Yi, who 'got dragged into this,' had an even more tragic end.