Being human, the most important thing is to be happy.
Being Fishman, the most important thing is to make other Fishmen unhappy.
At least, that's what Lu Ping'an had observed these days: mutual slaughters were too common, mutual cannibalism too ugly, and simply beating and robbing someone instead of killing or eating them was considered highly benevolent.
Previously in the "simple" village life, all Lu Ping'an felt underneath the "peace" was a hint of malice... Should he fail to demonstrate sufficient strength, he would likely become another's meal.
But he didn't overly despise it; he rather saw those villagers as a type of Beast... Uneducated, uncivilized Beasts, isn't it normal for them to bare teeth at the Strongman and tear into the Weaker?
"Really, an utterly detestable city. Can this really be called 'human'?..." Lu Ping'an even began doubting his own understanding, seeing as Fishmen are indeed humanoid Life forms with high intelligence, yet hardly acting humanely.