Before the Final War


They returned to their base by the teleportation array.

It was already sunset.

Lin Qiye originally wanted to let the Death Warriors rest for a night, but they were unwilling.

"King Lin, we can't waste any more time. There are still two million elites of the Divine Tiger Clan left. They have already noticed something is wrong and will gather together before fighting us.

"The time for the decisive battle will arrive in two months at most. At that time, we will only have a million Golden Core Death Warriors, but the Divine Tiger Clan has two million elites. Can we win?

"It doesn't matter if we die in battle. We don't want our wives and children in the Angel Planet to feel despair again.

"King Lin, take us to kill the elites of the Divine Tiger Clan! We can stay up all night and march without eating or resting!

"As long as we can protect our wives and children, our loved ones, and our compatriots, we are willing to die!"