Flower in the Heart, Sword in the Hand, Merciful Heart, Mighty Means

Lin Qiye's face returned to its cold and stern state.

"By the way, Eunuch Cao, I'll give you a task. Take the Qing Xuan Sect's member list and investigate them one by one. If you find any cultivators who have mistreated the common people, kill their family."

Hearing this, Eunuch Cao's heart palpitated as he subconsciously warned, "Your Highness, I'm afraid that this will implicate millions of people!

"You haven't even ascended to the throne yet, and you've already killed so many cultivators. If it had affected your state of mind, your realm could not increase any further. What should we do?

"In addition, if we kill too many people, it will also affect your reputation. I don't want the future generations to call you a tyrant."

Eunuch Cao was indeed a loyal official of the Qin Dynasty.

He was truly worried about Lin Qiye.