Father 100 Geniuses! The Doom Arrow! Let Everyone Be As Strong As a Dragon!

Lin Qiye's intuition was accurate.

If he had a bad premonition, something bad would definitely happen.

He felt that the human race could not win... Well, he did not exactly need a premonition to know that.

The human race was far inferior to the Wolf Tribe in terms of theoretical and actual combat strength! 

Hence, Lin Qiye bluntly stated that their chances of winning were extremely low.

After hearing Lin Qiye's stern analysis, the old emperor stretched out his arm and pinched his shoulder.

"Don't be pessimistic.

"Thinking back to when I inherited the throne, the human race was in its darkest era. In my entire military life, I fought over 10,000 battles, and each one was filled with despair and suffocation. I only saw some hope after you were born.

"In comparison, your situation is countless times better. At the very least, you still have Miss Zhu, who can defeat the Wolf Lord.