Savior? Awakening! Crushing Everything!

The danger of the human race's extinction has been put on hold.

The next day, the whole of Country Hua heard the news that the demon race and the Winged Wolf Tribe had attacked each other and lost a million men.

Father and Mother Gu were stunned. They immediately went to find Lin Qiye.

"Little Shaoshang, you guessed it correctly!"

Lin Qiye: "..."

"I didn't guess it. I already said that I was the mastermind behind the scenes."

Mother Gu rolled her eyes.

"My little treasure, if you can have talent above S-Grade in the future, I'll thank the heavens. What kind of existence is the mastermind behind the scenes? Is it something that we can exploit?"

Lin Qiye: "..."

Upon hearing this, he only smiled.

It was the second time he had taken a precautionary shot for his family.

It was his only goal.


The next month, the demon race and the Winged Wolf Tribe continued to clash at the border.