Foretell Like a Prophet! God’s Interrogation!

However, he had underestimated how lethal Lin Qiye's attack was.

Instantly, the three attacks annihilated the giant cage and cut open his body.

"You... Damn it. If it weren't for the fact that I don't know you at all, I wouldn't have been defeated so easily."

Fan Mu's eyes dimmed. With his water attribute talent, he was able to keep his body from falling apart.

However, his body had already been cut into pieces.

Blood gushed out from the cracks, dyeing his talent red.

Lin Qiye didn't answer until he sheathed his saber.

He coldly looked at Fan Mu's body, which was falling apart.


"He instantly killed Fan Mu?!"

"The higher-up from Yanjing City was instantly killed?"

The Jiang City commander was dumbfounded.

The other Awakened ones were even more stunned.

They were shocked by Fan Mu's betrayal. However, Lin Qiye's terrifying combat strength made them more fearful and respectful.