Painted-skin Demon? Dimension Upgrade Plan?

Mother Gu patted the back of Zhu Yuheng's hand.

"It's okay. I still have to reason with these doctors today. How could they not find anything? How could they?

"Go and call the hospital's person-in-charge over. I want to file a complaint!"

Seeing Mother Gu blowing the matter up out of concern, Lin Qiye appeared behind her.

"What's going on? The doctors are cowering from your scolding and don't dare to speak."

Mother Gu was furious.

"These people are useless! My Little Yuheng's face is so pale. Her chest is stuffy, and she's panting. How can they say that she's fine after checking twice?"

"Uh... Mrs. Gu, you've wronged us. Your daughter's condition and pulse are healthy. There's nothing wrong with her." The group of doctors smiled bitterly.

Their hospital indeed has connections that did not have the ability or medical ethics, but those sent to attend to Mother Gu were all authoritative experts.

How could they be a quack?