Fighting Alone

An incomparably violent energy instantly erupted.

The demon's pupils suddenly enlarged. When it came into contact with the destructive energy within, panic and fear rose uncontrollably.


The "little sun" exploded. With the demon as the center, an area of 10,000 meters was covered by a dazzling silver light.

Star City, which was dark, was now illuminated by the ball of light.

The silver light spread throughout the city, and the wisps of lightning power split to the other lines of defense of Star City.

All the demons that touched the lightning power instantly turned into dust and were annihilated.

Looking back at the center of the explosion, not only was the demon that faced Lin Qiye injured but even the nearby demons were also affected.

However, the center demon was the most miserable. The impact wasn't as simple as an energy attack.

It also contained the destruction of mental power.