Peeling Off His Soul Layer By Layer

However, the intense pain at this level had already made Lin Qiye's consciousness somewhat blurry.

The mind blades he was controlling started to tremble.

"Hang in there. Peel off two more layers like this, and I should be able to find it..."

Lin Qiye, now the size of a walnut, looked the same.

He gritted his teeth and endured the intense pain. His expression twisted. If he had a physical body, he would probably crush his teeth.

His soul was once again slowly cut apart at the eleventh layer.

Lin Qiye's eyes bulged. Every time he moved the mind blade, he would stop and rest in pain.

After a few hours, he finally removed the eleventh layer.

"Still nothing?" Lin Qiye's voice started to tremble.

The pain of his soul falling apart was far more intense than he had imagined, but he still gritted his teeth and persevered.


"I've already come this far. How can I give up?"