Switch Gears

I followed Alfredo into the ruined building, and I could hear the sounds of whimpering animals coming from a room up ahead. I could smell strong scents of animal urine coming from up ahead, and Gaia screwed up her face.

"What is that strong smell?! It burns my nose!" Gaia exclaimed, and I laughed.

"Maybe you should go wait out front with Alfredo? I will deal with the animals and bring them out," I explained, and Alfredo nodded.

"I am sure that you can figure out what room they are in. Come little one, you can pet me more," Alfredo said as I set Gaia down, and she ran over to hug him.

Then she grabbed onto his fur, making both Alfredo and me wince. Him much more than me!

"Hey, you little runt!" Alfredo complained but stopped when Gaia started to scratch behind his ears.

"Be a good big kitty and take me outside, and you will get more head scratches! I will convince Dan to give you chin scritches if you are good!" Gaia said, and Alfredo grumbled but did what he was told.