My Curmudgeon

"Something comfy. Vic's parents are really chill, and they smoke half the stuff they grow, so sweats, T-shirt, and a hoodie," I said, and Amy laughed.

"You and my parents are the biggest slackers! They never got anything done when you came over!" Victoria growled at me, and that was true.

"That was because you made me do everything to help you! I happened to like your parents, but you always would drag me away to order me around!" I retorted.

"What else did I ask for you to come over for?! They already like you enough!" Victoria shouted and then turned away from me.

Amy came over with a cute and knowing smile and kissed me before dragging her fingers down my chest. A plained light green hoodie with a white shirt appeared, and tan sweats.

"Make sure to find some good fruits and veggies! Strawberries are good, but we will need more," Amy told me, and I nodded, kissing her back.