Why Do You Even Like Me?!

"Hwhat?!" Both Frank and Helen exclaimed, and I grinned at the once old man, but now he looked the same age as me.

"Now, Let's give Grams a bit of a boost!" I said, turning to the gray-haired woman in bed that was breathing heavily.

No one spoke. The three in the room were transfixed on Grams as she became younger, but I also targeted Frank and Helen.

Within moments, everyone in the room looked the same age, and Grams sat up from her bed, staring down at her hands. Before anyone could react, Pops tackled Grams back down into the bed and started to kiss her.

I turned back around and found Helen and Frank wrapped in each other's arms, already doing the same thing. I guess that I really could blame them.

This was about the time that Victoria came down the stairs holding a small chest with a flip lid I recognized. That had been on her vanity since she was little, but it had always been closed, so I had no clue what was in it.