Doesn't Look Good

Once I reached the rise, I started to grow the tree right away since it would take the longest. I was going to try and make this one much taller than the ones back in the city, stretching almost one hundred and fifty feet in the air if I could get it there.

The problem that I was having was how long it was taking to grow. For a bit, the tree stretched upwards; the roots had to spread out farther.

This made everything after one hundred feet move at a snail's pace compared to the first two-thirds of the tree.

The uneasiness was getting a lot stronger now, and it seemed to be constantly getting close, but I couldn't sense them with the tree yet.

In the meantime, I started to look for bugs. I couldn't figure out how to activate my vision like Orphus had, and my scan didn't seem to pick up bugs without me directly targeting them.