Elf Warrior Princess Vs Treeman

The two of us headed back down, but Marley forced me to put clothes on as she summoned an outfit with weapons. I had to admit that it looked pretty cool to see her become covered in light and have it shatter off to reveal a sexy-looking outfit.

"You look amazing! Like an actual Elven Warrior Princess from anime!" I grinned as I made myself a pair of shorts and retracted my wings inside again.

They had done so before when I landed in front of the Dojo earlier, but I hadn't noticed.

Marley was wearing brown short-shorts, a white top, and leaf green belting and detail. Her hair was pinned back with a tiara of golden vines and leaves; the whole package was outstanding.

"I kind of do, hmm? Well, let's see what I can do now. Let's just focus on the fighting for today and save some of your steam for Melody. I am sure she is going to make you need a wheelchair after tonight!" Marley laughed, pulling out two short swords with green hilts that had blades with a slight curve.