Cup Of Coffee

"That is why I love you! You are just like me and love books above all else! I need a fantasy fix on how to get this AI out of my head! We need to think of a way to transfer consciousness from my mind into the body," I explained, and Anya's eyes went big.

"Really? I never thought that using that kind of knowledge would ever be useful," Anya said, pinching her chin between her thumb and index finger.

"Neither did I, but when I flew over this morning, I gave a bit more thought to everything that has happened so far. We lost all power, but there must be a way to replace it with something better, but how? My brain is only so big, and I don't have all the answers, but I realized that I have been looking at this the wrong way. We no longer live in what we have always considered the real world; This world has become fantasy, and we need to start thinking about it that way,'' I explained, and all three girls nodded.