Take A Break

"So, I have no idea what this is going to be like, but this is where we will find all your favorite books. This isn't the harem section, but we can check that one out after if you want," I said, but Anya was already browsing through the selves.

"You know that I am never going to leave here, right? You are going to have to drag me out by my nails!" Anya said as she browsed, but as soon as we turned the corner there was a wall, but it was there on purpose.

"I kind of figured you would say that, so, this is one of the many entrances to your house that only you and I can open," I explained as the wood spread open to reveal a grassy path that led up.

"My house?" Anya asked, looking cutely confused.

"Would you like to go see it? The bedroom is filled with books and sliding ladders, but they are mostly for show. I just remember you telling me…." I said but Anya was already running up the stairs.