Growth Spurt Activated!

The Great Tree spat me out into a wooden hand and threw me like a javelin over the city to the north. I could see the massive sixty-foot tall green, tree man version of myself, and I was headed directly at it.

I hit the side of it and was sucked inside, where I found four copies of myself and Gaia.

"We made it!" Melody cheered from one of my bodies; I was going to have to change that.

"I will give you full control now, but it will take a moment for you to integrate with this… thing," Gaia said, looking over at one of me that took a drag of an invisible smoke.

"Don't call it a thing. This is Daniel two-point-oh! Just wait till you see what this bad boy can do! We are going to be your turret controllers, and we also are your main weapons. You will understand more when you get inside," Sofia explained, taking another drag.

"Don't you think you have had enough?" Amy asked, and Sofia shrugged.