Fucking My Brains Back Into Place

"Well, we can't do it here, or we will burn the place down," Firaga informed me, and I nodded, creating clothes for myself and a red dress for her.

"Sure, let me pick you up, and we will head down to where my Supercharged Clone is. I am still worried about using this new System. I have been using mine for a couple of days now, but this one will be brand new to me, right?" I asked as I picked Firaga up.

"Max Power is an easy System to use. The point is just to go all out, and you will get stronger. Basic, but you will be fine since your body can repair it so fast. The issue with the System is that the user usually gets hurt," Firaga explained as a hole opened up in the room we were in.

"Hmm, I guess that should be fine then. I just have to hit things to get stronger?" I asked, and Firaga nodded.