8th Commander

"How is it possible that they were all defeated so soundly?! And by that rogue of all the AI!!" Beltzer exclaimed.

The eighth General of the Hive, Beltzer, is in control of the Chain System that allows him to manipulate chains. He can also chain people, thoughts, and objects together.

"The worst part is that the Hero didn't even use his own body! That was a plant-based lifeform that was being controlled with the Max Power System inside it! This is remarkable!" Belious exclaimed with bright eyes as he watched the reply.

"This is not a time to be admiring them! This Hero has already connected with the Planets Spirit. The others also know this, and they refuse to come help. We are actually being pushed out of some cities and have lost control of five hosts! Only the Generals can fully take control of a host, and there have been serious information issues," Beltzer complained, sitting down in a big chair.