What Is That Big Thing?!

The two of us jumped off the side as the other girls dismounted. The world around me was lit up with what seemed like fairy lights, and I could hardly believe it was once a large city.

"Firaga, and you will have to go ahead. We are going to store the clones, and then we will meet you back in the Great tree that was once your apartment," Melody told me as the big cats started to wander off.

"Sounds like a plan. I will take Firaga to find her a place to get set up, then I will go find Katie. I don't know if I will make it home tonight, but we can all meet up in the morning," I said, and the girls nodded, and all jumped towards the nearest Great Tree.

That left Firaga and me.

"Are you ready to go pick a spot for your new home and shop?" I asked, turning to Firaga, and she nodded with a tired smile.

"Sure, but I will set up shop tomorrow. I can normally stay up for a day or two at a time, but today really took it out of me," Firaga laughed as she walked over to my side.