Larva Stage

I launched at the first platform, and the roots were on me, but I cut through them like they were paper, and I spun like a drill. I landed, and my roots assisted my spring forward at the Goblin that had reappeared, and I slashed through it.

Launching forward to the next platform, more wall roots dove at me, and I spun, slashing the roots that attacked in a barrage. I skidded onto the next platform, rolled, and launched my body at the Orc with a cross slash.

I jumped up, but a root grabbed my foot, and I had to spin down to cut myself free, slicing other roots at the same time. I dropped back down, but I launched back off the platform and landed on the next that was now filled with Goblins that all had knives and clubs.

I commanded my roots to fight the wall roots as I ran at the goblins as the first jumped up and cut it in half. More of the little green bastards went for my legs, and I spun to slice them apart, my roots assisting me while deflecting roots that I also had to cut.