The Truth is

After kissing Amy goodbye, I opened a hole in the side of the house and leaped out. My wings burst from my back and caught the wind as I glided over to Anya's tree.

I could sense that she was in her room reading something, so I flew up to the top of the tree where Anya's tree house was located. I glided down until I reached one of the top entrances, but I noticed that the place had become more complex and twisted.

"Daniel?" Anya called from below.

"Did you expect anyone else to be flying in?" I asked with a laugh as I walked inside and down some winding stairs to Anya's room.

She was sitting curled up in a pile of throw pillows on a massive swinging chair that rocked gently. Anya sat up, but I waved for her to lay back down as I walked over and crawled on.

"I thought it was you, but you can never be too safe when there are Villains in the world, right?" Anya asked, and I nodded.