What Side Of History

"Less than half a million people are inside the forest from the scans I have run. Seems that almost all of them are underground hiding, but I am picking up strange signals from inside the trees," Belious explained, and Beltzer looked up from his display.

"What do you mean by strange signals?" Beltzer asked.

This was the worst possible situation for him, but this was also their best shot at taking out the Hero. Even if he could defeat the Hive Queen, destroying his home and people should be enough to break him.

"There are bodies inside the trees, but they are barely alive. It's almost like they are all in some type of deep sleep," Belious explained, and Beltzer nodded.

"Those must be like the clone that he used to fight us, but I am sure that none of them are as skilled as he is," Beltzer said, looking over to Belious. "How many are there?"

"One point five million as a rough estimate, but I think there might even be more than that," Belious said, and Beltzer jumped up.