Rune Carving Systems

Once I was back in my big beefy God of War body, I headed back and found Firaga still hammering away on the blade.

"Do you mind if I take a swing at it? I have some rough knowledge of smithing, but I think with what your System can do, I should be okay?" I suggested, and Firaga nodded, setting her hammer down as I switched back into my body that was still standing in the middle of the shop.

I walked over to grab the metal blade, but I couldn't close my hand around it. My hand would close, but it hovered an inch from the metal.

"Huh? Omega! Come here for a minute!" I called out, and Brad Pitt walked out of the nearest wall.

"You act like I am not doing anything else, and I can just come at your beck and call!" Omega complained, and I narrowed my eyes.

"You weren't doing anything, so I didn't interrupt you. Now, why can't I grab this?" I asked, and Omega groaned.