[Bonus late chapter] You Do Not Have The Clearance!

The place was lit up with glow sticks everywhere, but that made sense since there was no way to vent the smoke. Inside the first floor was a massive area filled with glass containers and four sad-looking scientists walking around the room with clipboards.

I could see why they were sad. Most of what they had been looking after were dead from what I could feel, but that wasn't a problem for me.

"Welcome to the first floor of many. This is the Organics floor, or it was. Most of the plants that were being studied could only survive in regulated climates. Some of them couldn't even absorb Co2, so they had to have special gasses pumped inside," Riley explained as we walked into the area.

"This is something that I can help with," I said as I walked past Riley, looking into each of the glass cases.