Alien Monster Index

[Target: Fellosom]

[Type: Carnivorous monster]

[Height: 7-10 feet tall]

[Description: Orange bulbous body with bright red fans that constantly undulate to attract prey.]

[Attributes: Originates from hydrogen-rich planets and can be found in many parts of the universe. They hunt by sitting still and waiting to open up seams along their sides to grab passing prey with tentacles, consuming them.]

[Danger level: 2]

[Target: Shigavant]

[Type: Carnivorous monster]

[Height: 5-6'3 feet tall]

[Description: Pink-skinned creatures that have no eyes using echolocation while hissing with snake-like mouths that are filled with razor-sharp teeth. They hear using special tubes at the end of their fingers with ten to thirty on each hand. The fingers have no bones but get stiff when the creature is excited.]

[Attributes: Extremely resistant skin that is slashing and piercing-proof. They use whispering to hypnotize their victims. Found only on Dessert planets and originates from Trifrieda, orbiting Alphard 177 million light years away from earth.]

[Danger level: 6]

[Target: Wargon]

[Type: Carnivorous monster]

[Height: 3-4 feet tall, 5-7 feet long]

[Description: Red skinned, hairless wolf-like creatures.]

[Attributes: Oversized mouths filled with five rows of teeth it uses to latch onto it's prey. It's tongue has a likeness to a leech used for draining the prey while they keep it pinned. Found on multiple planets. Can be trained for guarding, hunting, and or pets.]

[Danger level: 4]

[Target: Orrowkai]

[Type: Carnivorous humanoid]

[Height: 4.5-5.5 feet tall]

[Description: Pig-like humanoids with piss yellow skin. Large, naturally muscled, and not wise alone. They have tusks that come from their mouths and small curly tails.]

[Attributes: The more Orrowkai in one place, the smarter each of them is. If more than 100 gather, they can reach the same level of intelligence as humans. Naturally angry creatures, and do not work together well, but listen to their Felnka if a group has one. It can be found on nearly all Surperterra Planets, but the breeds vary.]

[Danger level: 6]

[Target: Barabasuar]

[Type: Carnivorous monster]

[Height: 2.5-3 feet (transformed 12-15 feet)]

[Description: Created Transformation Monster. No other data.]

[Attributes: Transformation. No other data.]

[Danger level: 8]


[Type: Carnivorous monster




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[Type: Carnivorous monster




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[Type: Carnivorous monster




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[Type: Carnivorous monster




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[Type: Carnivorous monster




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