Piss On It

Once Eddie was transferred over, I had to listen to him complain as he changed the suit around. This time the mech suit was starting to look more like Master Chief coming in at about just over seven feet tall.

"See? This looks cool!" Eddie said after he was done, and I crossed my arms.

"You know most of the doorways to the room are seven feet tall, right? You are going to have to duck to go in each room," I told him.

"You are going to have to duck in each room you go!" Eddie mocked back, and I gave him the finger.

"Just go make yourself useful, and don't kill anything!" I growled.

"Yeah, Yeah. I will capture the circus reject! Now let me go and test this bad boy out!" Eddie cheered, and I sighed, scrubbing my hands over my face. I was starting to regret inviting myself to this party, but It would take me too long to do it all alone.

"You take the right, and I will go left after I get a sample of this creature's skin," I said with a sigh.