Something Was Wrong

Something was wrong.

Shalgoth stopped fighting back, but my attacks had no effect on him. I tried to stab him with my roots, but his body would just move out of the way. I was really starting to get tired of these creatures with expert-level avoidance skills.

Finally, I just tried to put him in a solid sphere. I didn't think this thing needed air, so I left no venting.

Once it was captured, I thought that was it, but that was stupid for me to think it was going to be that easy. The sphere was sliced in half, and the black night formed again.

"You are quite the rude creature, but I expect nothing less from something such as yourself. Are you done playing around, or is this really the best that you have?" Shalgoth asked as my mind raced.

I wasn't powerless; I just wasn't sure what would work on something like this. This thing was like nothing I had encountered, and the way its body seemed to burn with darkness was almost supernatural.