A Mythical Entity

"Yeah, this feels like a boss fight, and I don't think I am ready for this one yet. I beat the shit out of it, but it just shrugged it off like it was nothing. It created an army of shadow figures that reproduced faster than I could kill them if there was anything to kill in the first place. I even tried slashing through it, but its body became incorporeal, my blade going right through it," I said, rubbing my hand on my forehead, but Sofia took it in her hand.

"Papi, there are some things that you aren't going to be ready for. Just be happy that this one is contained for now. You were already able to save some people, and Mr. Tree and I had everything loaded into a massive crate on the hangers. There was a lot. You had better just start thinking about how we are going to get that back," Sofia said as she came and wrapped her arms around me. I returned the hangover and closed my eyes.