Those That Resist

"Yeah, I bet that is what you want!" The voice shouted back.

"Don't waste your time; nothing is going to be able to break through that door!" Another voice said, and I sighed.

I had tried the peaceful route, honest effort. Now was for the other route, the less friendly one.

"Fine, but don't say that I didn't warn you all," I said as I walked up to the door, placing my hand on it. The thing was almost a foot thick and probably took two people to move, but that meant nothing to me.

My body melted into the door and flowed through the cracks to the other side, staying a liquid.

"He disappeared!" The man that had been yelling at me called out as I spread out all over the room.

I was hoping that I could change some people's minds, but I was already sensing that was not going to be possible. The men in this room had stalwart minds that seemed to be brainwashed. These must be the elite soldiers that they trained to follow all orders without fail.