Totally Dog

"Leave Papi alone! He is allowed to talk to me like that!" Sofia snapped as I glared up into the glowing red eyes of the mecha-wolf. It had its light saber lifted and ready to strike.

"Just fucking try it, doggo. I dare you!" I growled at it as my Roots undulated around me dangerously. This hunk of metal was dangerous, and I was about two seconds away from turning it into pieces of metal.

"Threats from a lower life form that is not my master do not compute. This means that you are irrelevant, even if my master thinks otherwise, Daniel Brighton," the machine said to me, but this time I could hear a condescending tone in its voice.

"Sofia, I am just going to disassemble this thing to take it back. I think there is something broken in it," I growled.

"No, Papi! Down boy! You two are going to have to learn to get along!" Sofia snapped, and I turned to her with narrowed eyes.